Distant Constructs

published: 2016-02-02, updated: 2016-02-02

There is a wealth of music from the '80s from Dunedin, which is a university town on the southern island of New Zealand. Bands that are seldom played in the US provide a glimpse into an alternate history musical evolution, especially as a companion piece to the development of punk in the US from the same time period1.

Chris Knox puts it best in the documentary Funky Dunedin2: "There's not much chance of financial success in Dunedin, so you don't worry about that. You just worry about the songs and do 'em best and cheapest".





  1. Compare, for example, the role of Flying Nun Records and the Dunedin Double EP to that of SST Records and Nervous Breakdown ↩︎

  2. The relevant section of the clip starts at 4:46. ↩︎